Saturday, January 23, 2010

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By Jay Kubassek

This happens to be one of my favorite quotes, by one of my favorite people, John Jackson. In this spirit of Christmas and out of the deepest appreciation for all of my friends and family this holiday season, I felt led to share this with you today.

I got a series of emails over the last few weeks from a woman in Jamaica that I quite frankly blew off. Then last week Le! na emailed me on behalf of this woman as well, and not unlike most of the zillion email I get every day from people asking for all kinds of things, I blew that off too.

Anyways, it was 5:30 this morning, I was up most of the night with Miki and could not sleep. I decided to clean out my inbox and I came across yet another email from this lady. This one really stuck with me. I am not sure if it was the sincerity of the request, or just the pure guts of a mom to ask me pay for a semester of some kids college, not sure. Regardless, the quote above started ringing in my ears.

My heart and my gut are telling me that the right this to do here is to see if there is anyone else who feels the same way, and if to led, also contribute. It is Christmas and I can't think of anything that would be more in the spirit of giving than to pass the hat and make sure Jessica is enrolled in classes come the first week of Jan.

My goal is to wire all $18,384.! 26 to Wheaton TODAY. I am calling on you guys cuz I know you c! an help me make it happen. Regardless, Jamie and I are prepared to to what ever it takes to make this happen.


Hi Jay,

It was nice seeing you in Vegas, even if it was for a very brief moment as we took the one of many photos.

I am the one who told you I am from Jamaica. I have been with PRO over a year now and admire the way you have built this incredible community of entrepreneurs! I love being a part of it!!

The Jamaican dollar is in a bad way... JAD$89 to USD$1 so when I came in it was on a shoe string, but Lena Bjorna, my mentor will tell you I am determined to get to the top!

I have a 19 yr old daughter, Jessica who by the grace of God and that alone attended Milton Academy boarding school in Boston for 2 yrs on a FULL scholarship and now is in her second year at Wheaton College in Illinois.

Her first semester was sponsored by a Christian couple (God bless them) and then they lost t! heir money (all of it) in an investment scheme gone sour! To my amazement the college showed her compassion and gave her the second semester (all expenses paid!). At the beginning of this year I still wasn't able to pay and they did it again!!! Now I am faced with a new semester on the horizon... USD$18,000 due on the 15th Dec!! (They say because of the economic fall out they are unable to do it this time)

This may seem strange...that I would come to you with this...I asked Lena if PRO had any organization that helped kids to fund college...she said she didn't know, I should go to I did and then I came here. I really believe in what I am doing Jay, as you did. Until then...I just wondered if you had ANY organization that could help me to get my brilliant child back into college.

PS: She doesn't qualify for US financial aid as she is Jamaican. The banks here won't lend me the $ as I don't have a "steady" income YET! I also have a 12 ! yr old daughter and a 6 yr old son.

Please advise! me if t here is ANY thing that can be done. I know how busy you are and how blessed I am if you found the time just to read this.

God bless you Jay...and thank you for giving my life focus and purpose. I am grateful to God that He showed me this company!!

My daughter, Jessica, in her second year of a Business Major. Financing:

*Sponsored in full 1st year semester 1 *Scholarships from school for the last 2 semesters *School has no funds available this year (economy)

The deadline for the next semester was Dec 15, butin faith I asked for AND GOT an extension until Jan 1, 2010!

The balance due is USD$18,384.26 (for the next semester) The gentleman in the international students accounts division that I communicate with is Mr. Rodney Buikema: email:

 Melanie Phillibert

from: Jay Kubassek
date: Wed, De! c 23, 2009 at 6:55 AM
subject: Jessica Phillibert


I understand that you are in charge of international student accounts. This email in regards to Jessica Phillibert's tuition for the next semester. Please send funding instructions.

Best, -Jay Kubassek


CONTRIBUTIONS for 12/23/09

Jay and Jamie Kubassek: $3000
 Mike Koenigs: $500 
John and Lori Jackson: $1000 (Merry Christmas Jessica! John & Lori Jackson)
 Sara Moser-Cohen: $100
 Pasquale R Sava III: $50
 Roslyn Brenowitz: $10 
Soumangue Basse: $25
 Frances Kennedy: $25
 Frank Scott: $150 
Jimmy Davis: $1000 
James A Crandall: $25
 Ray and Ferny: $1000 
Dave Pooley: $50 
Jaun Walker $110
 Howie Schwartz: $1000 
Lelia Rayna: $50
 Aaron and Liz Parkinson: $1000 
Alan Moore: $1000
 David G Carpenter: $! 25
 George Walters: $50
 Troy Allen: $25- (Hope th! is small gift helps you reach your goal for Jessica) 
Steve Nyhof Enterprises, Inc.: $50- (Merry Christmas) 
Bhavesh Bhojani: $300.00- (Good luck! I am happy to Help. Make it happen!)
 Andrew Peel: $10.00
 Damayanthi Jayasinghe: $10.00 
Jerry Ellefson: $ 100.00
 WBG Marketing Group: $200.00 
Galyn Johnson: $25.00
 Per Hoem: $ 300.00
 Jonathan Lamphier: $10.00 - (I am glad to help. I wish that it could be more.)
 Lena Bjorna: $1,000.00- Merry Christmas!! 
 Heidi Wiegand : $ 50.00
 DAVID HOLTON: $100.00
 RBC Global Unlimited LLC : $50.00
 Brigitte Mehr: $30.00 
Magnus Weierud Haga: $30.00
 Michael Force: $ 1,000.00
 Julie A Hartman: $50.00 
Jenni Ryan: $100.00 
John Woodman: $25.00
 Ann McLaren: $300.00 
Rose Spillman: $200.00
 Brian Moore: $100.00 
Bruce and Lynn Stromwall: $150.00
 Parag Paleja: $100.00
 Newman Consulting, Inc.: $200.0! 0
 Marshall Donnerbauer: $50.00
 William Eden: $25.00
 Mike Dillard: $1000 
Peggy Bennett: $25.00
 Corey Wilson: $200.00
 Marcin Ogorek: $50.00 
Aman Tensue: $50.00
 JOHN OLSEN: $100.00
 Nick Godwin: $10.00
 Maven Marketing LLC: $1,000.00
 Patrick Fitz-Gibbon: $100.00
 Peter Andersson: $10.00 
Kariann Sundy: $25.00
 Surfveza Enterprise: $50.00
 Steve Castle: $40.00 
Wealth Masters International $1000 
Steven Jaffe : $100.00
Sue Paananen: $100.00
 Vishal Shetty: $20.00
 Anthony Niel: $50.00 
JMH Marketing Group: $100.00
 George Kyros: $50.00
 GD Enterprises: $500.00
 Mitchell Dillman: $25.00
 erika freund: $25.00
 Richard Watts: $20.00
 Nola Claire: $5.00 
John Hackl: $100.00 
Lifechanging Solutions: $100.00
 Peter Anak Baledan Anum: $25.00
 Brandee Walker: $19! 0.00 GOAL MET! Thanks Everyone!

Original story po! sted her e on

About the Author:

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